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Type of Membership |
New Membership
Renew Existing Membership |
Title |
Name |
Address |
Contact Details |
Address |
Date Of Birth |
Year |
Occupation |
Blood Donor? |
I'd rather not say
Yes, I am a blood donor
No, I am not interested
No, but please send me more information |
Membership Number
(Renewals Only) |
Membership |
Pricing shown effective from 1 July 2023.
Family Members |
If you selected FAMILY membership above, You may have two cards. Please specify the names or
your family members you would like listed...
On your FIRST Membership Card:
On your SECOND Membership Card:
Join our E-Mail Lists? |
SAMRATS Upcoming Rides
SCOOTER Upcoming Rides
None (you can subscribe later if you want to)
Note: The MRA(SA) has a strict Anti-Spam policy and we will not give your Email Address to any Third Party |
What do you ride? |
I don't have any of these yet |
Other Memberships |
If you are involved in or with any other motorcycle-related clubs, groups or organisations, please tell us which one(s)?
Skills |
What unique skills do you have that could help the MRA if needed?
Payment Details |
As at 19 March 2023 the MRASA are no longer collecting credit card information online.
Please call the treasurer (0421 289 714) or the membership secretary (0430 039 269) to make a payment using your card. You will
still need to complete this form and submit it.
If you wish to pay via EFT, the details are below and will also be shown on the confirmation page.

For cheque or money order payments, please send payment to:
Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia Inc
GPO Box 1895 ADELAIDE SA 5001
Terms and Conditions |
By completing this form, you must agree to abide by the Articles, Rules and Constitution of the MRASA.
Note that your membership will only be accepted if you agree.
New membership subject to Committee approval.
Postal notes or cheques must be cleared by the MRASA before memberships can be processed.
I Accept these Terms. Sign me up
The MRASA will keep all member details strictly confidential