MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Bike at Toy Run
Archived Articles for 2017
  Welcome to the site of the Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia.
This page is an archive of selected articles from our home page during 2017.

Australian Motorcycle Council backs protective clothing research - 3 October 2017
  The Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) has welcomed a major step forward in plans to introduce a ratings system for protective clothing. Motorcyclists around Australia and New Zealand will soon have access to more information about the safety of protective clothing with the formation of a working group and commencement of a pilot program at Deakin University.

In an historic collaboration, the Australian Motorcycle Council has joined with road agencies, motoring clubs and other stakeholders from across Australia and New Zealand to develop a ratings system for the protective clothing worn by riders. AMC chairman Shaun Lennard commented:

"The Australian Motorcycle Council has backed this plan for eight years and it's great news that it's now underway. Importantly, the AMC is at the table as a member of the working group as this ground-breaking project progresses."

With more than 10,500 motorcycle riders admitted to hospital with serious injuries over the past five years in New South Wales alone, improving the quality of the protective equipment and clothing could have a significant impact on this trauma. A 12-month pilot program has started with Deakin University, where some of the clothing currently available to riders is being tested at its Waurn Ponds campus. Informational links below.

AMC media release
AMC Protective Clothing Position Statement
Article on MCNews

The AMC supports the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020.
The MRASA actively supports the activities of the AMC.
MCC of NSW post helmet videos - 18 October 2017
  With all the confusion around helmets and helmet laws, MCC of NSW arranged funds from Transport for NSW to clarify some issues and move discussions away from 'stupid laws' and onto a proper discussion about helmets. The MCC of NSW have produced the following three videos:
  • WHICH helmet do I wear in Australia?
  • HOW do I fit a helmet?
  • WHAT can a helmet do for me?
The videos are available from the MCC of NSW website whom like the MRASA are a member of the AMC.
Before you head out for a ride - 23 September 2017
  The MRASA is concerned about the 2017 fatality statistics, and wish to urge riders to take more care. MRASA Road Safety officer Mr Ebi Lux was quoted by the Advertiser in a article on motorcycle fatalities regarding some typical pre-ride checks. This time of year seasonal riders will be dusting off their bikes and getting back out on the road. The weather is warming up enticing riders to blow out some cobwebs and get some fresh air. Before you head out, you should go through a few checks to help you enjoy the ride and arrive home alive.
  • Make sure the motorcycle is registered, roadworthy and is serviced
  • Adjust the controls of the motorcycle to be comfortable. Check the mirrors are clean and adjusted
  • Ensure all lights are working, are clean and can be clearly seen
  • Check your tyres are in good condition and have tread at least 1.5mm deep. Check the sidewalls of the tyres to be free of cracks or bumps. Ensure the tyres are at the correct pressure for the road surface
  • Check the chain (or belt) has the right tension, and is well lubricated
  • Check fluids - fuel, coolant, engine oil and brake fluids. Don't forget yourself, be well hydrated, take water for the ride, stop and rest at regular intervals
  • Wear protective gear, all the gear, all the time (atgatt). Cover exposed skin. You will need a good helmet (approved of course), purpose made riding gloves, jacket, pants and footwear
  • Be in the right headspace, ride defensively and ride to return. Your survival depends on your full concentration on the road. If fatigued or you cannot concentrate fully, don't ride. Allow enough time to make stops, do not be in a rush to get somewhere
  • Do not ride if you have had any alcohol or drugs, these can seriously impair your response times, riding abilities and hazard perception
Portions of the information above are attributed to The Rider's Handbook from
SAPOL publishes safety tips for motorcycle riders - 4 October 2017
  After a recent increase in motorcycle deaths on our roads, authorities have teamed up to make an announcement to the public on motorcycling safety. Also in attendance at the Operation Safe Hills 2017-2018 announcement by Assistant Commissioner Bronwyn Killmier was Mick Doohan and Matt Hanton, MAC Road Safety Communications Manager. Other safety announcements were made by Road Safety Minister Chris Picton and the RAA. Below are some tips SAPOL announced at the announcement.
  • Traffic and road surfaces change quickly. Don't rely on being seen: stay alert, look ahead and check your mirrors to see what's happening around you - don't take risks.
  • Always check mirrors and blind spots before changing position on the road.
  • Keep to the speed limit and adjust your speed downwards to the prevailing road conditions.
  • Always keep a safe following distance: three seconds in normal conditions, six seconds in wet weather or other poor conditions.
  • Look out for bumps, pot holes, loose gravel, wet leaves or other problems with road surfaces. Steel road plates, manhole covers and painted lane lines can become slippery in rain.
  • Make sure your motorcycle is in good condition. Tyres should be the right pressure and not worn or damaged. Brakes, controls and lights should be checked regularly.
  • Mirrors should be checked and adjusted every trip.
  • Be seen: the brighter your protective clothing, the easier you are to see. Use reflective stripes or tape on helmets, gloves, jackets; particularly at night or in poor weather.
  • Wearing an approved helmet is the law and it could save your life. Always wear the right helmet for your head size; buy the safest you can find for you and your passenger.
Link to the announcement of Operation Safe Hills 2017-2018.
Helmet Mounted Cameras - 17 June 2017
  The MRASA believes there is no need for South Australian legislation to allow cameras to be mounted on motorcycle or pushbike helmets. SAPOL, DPTI and MAC have all indicated that helmet cameras is not an issue in South Australia.

We wouldn't stand in the way of it, but think there are more pressing things to focus on.

It has been an issue in both Victoria and New South Wales where riders were booked for them. The AMC (Australian Motorcycle Council) worked with Maurice Blackburn to have a test case in each state contested. Both riders won in court.

Provided the helmet is not damaged by the mounting of a camera and the mount is designed to break away, the helmet is fit for use. Camera's can be mounted on helmets but the helmet must not be damaged in the process. A point that is not well enough understood is; the approved helmet standard referenced in the road rules is written for the design and manufacture of the helmet. It is not an in-service standard.

The MRASA is not aware of any South Australian rider being booked for a camera being safely mounted on a motorcycle helmet. We are more than willing to support a test case if it is needed.

Phil McClelland - President

National Road Rules - April 2017
  The MRASA supports national road rules bringing consistency across borders. Each state can introduce new legislation that often do not conform to the rest of the nation. Lane filtering laws are a prime example of this, where there are minor differences in each state. It is difficult for every rider to be across every minor difference when travelling interstate. This is why it is important to have consistent laws across the nation.

The MRASA actively support the work of the AMC who are now well positioned to represent all riders and lobby at a national level to achieve uniformity. This is a lengthy process and is now gathering momentum, you may have noticed some activity in the media on this. The National Transport Commission together with the Australian Road Rules Maintenance Advisory Group are players at the national level.
Lane Filtering Legislation - Effective from 15 April 2017
  Minister Malinauskas MLC has announced that lane filtering will be legal in South Australia as from the 15th April 2017. The Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure has launched a video and will be running an educational campaign to help all road users understand the new laws.

The Motorcycle Riders' Association welcome the introduction of lane filtering for motorcycles. This is the culmination of a lot of hard work over many years by many groups and individuals. We thank the minister for introducing legislation which will improve road safety for motorcycle riders. We now encourage all road users to understand the changes to the SA Road Rules. Here are some links to the relevant information.

Lane Filtering state matrix - which state allows what
Government News Release from Minister Malinauskas
Government Gazette outlining the new clause 11C
Page from mylicence website containing DPTI video


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