MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Bike at Toy Run
Archived Articles for 2018
  Welcome to the site of the Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia.
This page is an archive of selected articles from our home page during 2018.

Resale of Helmets - 28 June 2018 (Updated August 2018)
  A motorcycle or push-bike helmet is the single most important yet most commonly abused piece of safety equipment available to riders. We drop them, we perch them on mirrors, we leave them in the sun and we put stickers on them. In other words we damage both the outer shell and inner linings. Often we use them after their safe working life has passed, or fail to wear them correctly In spite of constant mistreatment we expect them to protect us at all times. Sadly, like our brain, once a helmet is damaged it cannot be repaired.

The MRASA urges all riders to give their helmet the care and attention it deserves.

Strangely, when mandating riders must wear an approved helmet, our politicians and bureaucrats failed to consider how we purchase them. Most riders will buy a new helmet from a dealer and use it until either a newer or more attractive model is available, or the fit or damage is so bad it must be replaced.

Disturbingly, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to tell if a helmet is fit for purpose short of testing it to destruction. Currently it is illegal to sell used car seat belts. Like helmets, they too can only be checked for safety by testing to destruction.

At this point we come to the legislative loophole. We can sell our used or damaged helmets to the unwary or uncaring. Most second hand shops have a range of helmets for sale, often at very low prices making them very appealing for use as a spare helmet, or for the occasional rider.

The MRASA discussed the resale of helmets with the RAA. Their opinion, like ours is that this loophole must be closed as a matter of urgency.

For seat belts, baby capsules, helmets and other primary protection devices, we accept they are batch tested to ensure compliance to standard at the point of manufacture. Once sold, the integrity of these items is unknown. We assume second hand seatbelts have been mistreated and so cannot legally buy used ones.

It is time that we treated helmets and other primary life saving devices in the same manner. Surely your brain is more important than saving a few dollars by buying a helmet which may not be fit for purpose. Buyer beware is no longer acceptable.

It is time for Governments to legislate to protect the unwary from the unscrupulous. We ask all riders to join the MRASA and lobby the authorities to ban the commercial resale of helmets. Feedback from the motorcycling community has confirmed our need to allow private resale.
Proposed Changes to the GLS in South Australia - 1 February 2018
  The Hon Minister Chris Picton MP called a meeting of the Motorcycle Reference Group in December 2017 for members to discuss and suggest options to reduce motorcyclist fatalities. Changes to the Graduated Licensing System (GLS) was just ONE of the measures discussed.

A GLS is a countermeasure that has been successful in reducing the risk of crashes among novice drivers. A GLS works by imposing restrictions on novice drivers/riders and gradually lifting them as the drivers/riders progress through the different phases of the system. In this way, driving/riding experience is obtained initially in conditions of low risk, with more challenging conditions only encountered once a driver has reached a particular level of experience and maturity.

The Centre for Automotive Safety Research (CASR) has been researching a revised GLS for quite some time. CASR presented their research and recommendations for proposed changes to the GLS at the MRG meeting held on 29 January 2018. The report is titled 'Recommendations for a Graduated Licensing System for Motorcyclists in South Australia'. Members then were invited to ask questions and make some initial comments.

The minister has publicised the CASR report and is seeking feedback. A public consultation phase has now commenced and concluded. More information is available from the MRASA GLS changes page.
Proposed New SA Laws - Drink and Drug Driving - 15 January 2018
  The Hon Minister Chris Picton MP announced via a letter to the MRASA proposed laws that were approved by the South Australian Parliament on 29th November 2017. This was part of the Statutes Amendment (Drink and Drug Driving) Bill 2017.

Unlike alcohol-related road fatalities, the number of drivers and riders killed in road crashes who are testing positive to drugs is not decreasing. Over the last five years (2012-2016), and average of 24 percent of drivers and riders killed on SA roads tested positive to cannabis, methyl amphetamine or ecstasy or a combination of these drugs.

The MRASA supports higher penalties for road users who do not respect the safety of others. Repeat offenders with a blatant disregard for their own safety and safety of others must be held accountable.

The new laws aimed at reducing the incidence of drug driving and improving road safety for all road users. The changes include:

From 22 February 2018
  • The roadside drug testing process will be streamlined so that only one screening test rather than two will be undertaken by Police.
From 8 March 2018
  • Penalties for a first drug driving offence will increase
  • Licence disqualification periods imposed for repeat drug driving offences will increase
  • The penalties for refusal or failure to undertake a drug screening test, oral fluid analysis or blood test will increase
From 24 April 2018
  • A driver detected drug or drink driving (0.08 BAC and above) with a child aged under 16 years in the car must show they are not dependent before being re-licensed
  • Drink and drug drivers required to undertake a dependency assessment will have the option to complete a treatment program
  • The penalty for driving unlicensed at the end of the disqualification period, if the driver did not show they are not dependent on alcohol and drugs will increase
More information is available from the towards zero together website.

Lane Filtering reminder...
  Reminder - Lane Filtering has been legal in South Australia since 15 April 2017

lane filtering

South Australian law addressing lane filtering specifically states:
  • speed limited to 30kph
  • cannot use bicycle, bus or tram lanes
  • no passing between vehicles and kerb
  • no filtering at roundabouts
  • not in school zones during school hours
  • only for riders on a full licence

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