MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Bike at Toy Run
Archived Articles for 2023
  Welcome to the site of the Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia.
This page is an archive of selected articles from our home page during 2023.

45th MRASA Toy Run - 10 Dec 2023
Toy Run Mashals
  This year's MRASA Toy Run will be held on Sunday 10th December. An event of this size cannot take place without having enough marshals to help with the huge number of tasks. If you were a marshal at some stage previously, we would love to hear from you again to help with this year's Run. If you have never been a marshal, but would like to help, please contact Cathy or Ebi via the contacts page. Without marshals the Toy Run as we know it will need to change or may even cease. Without marshals and volunteers to help with setting up, managing and closing down the Toy Run the event cannot go ahead. Volunteers are getting fewer each year so if you want the Toy Run to survive, then please volunteer to help out.

Toy Run Marshal Training
  We are desperate for Volunteers this year. There are many positions to be filled. If you are interested, please contact Ian 0427 334 843 or Cathy 0408 853 380.

Training Session 2
Saturday 18th November at 9.30 am. SAPOL training first, followed by MRASA tour of the venue and training. The meeting point (changed) is Fullarton Rd Carpark behind the Heritage Grandstand (near the Britannia roundabout).

Toy Run Ride Coordinator
  Do you know how to organise a large number of riders, to ride in a protective formation? If so, we need you as the person to co-ordinate and instruct the lead groups on how to ride the Toy Run effectively and safely. Please contact Cathy via the contacts page to find out more details on this exciting opportunity.

Cancer Fund-raiser Ride
  The Mid North MRA will be hosting a ride from Wallaroo on Sunday 29th October. This will be a cancer fund raiser. If you want to join the ride, a group will be mobbing up at Ampol at Bolivar from 9.30am for a 10am departure. Antipated ride length for the day for Adelaidians will be around 400km.

Great Escape Rally - 26-28 May 2023
  This year's Great Escape Rally is on from the 26-28 May 2023. See flyer below for information.

Ridden on Ride - 16 April 2023
  This year's Ridden on Ride will be held on Sunday 16th April 2023. The ride will mob up at the Victoria Hotel Car Park, Main South Road, O'Halloran Hill from 8.30am for a 10.00am ride off. Please check the ride details available from the SAMRATS upcoming rides page for the most current information. Please be ready to move your machine at exactly 10.00am so as to ride in a group as we exit from the car park.

There will be a short memorial service on the back beach, followed by a ride to Victor Harbor for lunch. Badges will be available. Funds raised will be donated to a worthy cause.
National Road Safety Week 2023
  Every year, approximately 1200 people are killed and another 44,000* are seriously injured on Australian roads. Traffic injury is the biggest killer of Australian children under 15 and the second-biggest killer of all Australians aged between 15 and 24. These numbers are growing every year but are preventable if we choose to Drive So Others Survive!.

National Road Safety Week is an annual initiative from the Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group, partnering road safety organisations and Government. The week highlights the impact of road trauma and ways to reduce it.

The launch of the Road Safety Week will be in Perth on 14th May, which will be live streamed. Road safety week runs from 14-21 May 2023. For more details, review the Road Safety Week website.
Notification of MRASA Inc. Annual General Meeting for 2023
  The Annual General Meeting of the MRASA Inc. will be held at 7pm on Monday 20th February 2023 at the MSA Hall, 251 The Parade, Beulah Park.

All positions of the Association listed below will be declared vacant and the following positions on the 2023-2024 committee will be filled through election.
  • President (Executive committee member)
  • Vice President (Executive committee member)
  • Secretary (Executive committee member)
  • Treasurer (Executive committee member)
  • Road Safety Officer
  • Minutes Secretary
  • Webmaster
  • Membership Secretary
  • Register Liaison Officer
  • Stock Control Officer
  • General Committee Representatives (number unspecified until the AGM)
  • Magazine Editor
At this meeting the Auditor for the 2023-2024 year will be appointed. All current financial members of the MRASA Inc are eligible to stand for election to one or more of the positions. Nominations should be in writing to the Secretary of the Association prior to the beginning of the AGM and evidence of current membership must be provided. All members are invited to attend the meeting.

A proxy form allows you to nominate another financial member to vote on your behalf. The nomination form will allow you to nominate yourself or another financial member for a position on the committee. These forms are available using the links below.

Proxy Form 2023 (form and information combined)
Nomination Form 2023 (A4 with two forms per page)

Sub Committee representatives to the MRASA committee include
  • Toy Run
  • Scooter Club
  • 4Bs
and will be elected by the sub-committee at meetings held within 4 weeks of the AGM.

44th MRASA Toy Run - A big thank you
  The MRASA would like to thank all the public, supporters, volunteers and members who together made the 2022 MRASA Toy Run another great success. St Vincent de Paul is pleased at the number of bikes and the amount of toys. Our thoughts are with the children that were able to celebrate Christmas this year because of the kind donations.

Copyright © 2025 MRASA. All rights reserved. ABN 13 149 345 129. Inc Assoc A8678
Company Logos & photos are copyright to their respective owners