MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Bike at Toy Run
What is a Graduated Licensing System?
  A Graduated Licensing System (GLS) is a countermeasure that has been successful in reducing the risk of crashes among novice drivers. A GLS works by imposing restrictions on novice drivers/riders and gradually lifting them as the drivers/riders progress through the different phases of the system. In this way, driving/riding experience is obtained initially in conditions of low risk, with more challenging conditions only encountered once a driver has reached a particular level of experience and maturity.

Below are the current stages of the drivers GLS in South Australia. The pre-learner stage defines the criteria for obtaining a learner's permit, and then there are 4 licence holding stages.

Current drivers GLS in SA - source

MRG meeting to discuss motorcyclist fatalities - Dec 2017
  The Hon Minister Chris Picton MP called a meeting of the Motorcycle Reference Group in December 2017 for members to discuss and suggest options to reduce motorcyclist fatalities. Changes to the GLS was just ONE of the measures discussed.

The Centre for Automotive Safety Research (CASR) at the University of Adelaide is internationally recognised as a leading research organisation in its field. CASR conducts high-quality independent research that enables rational decision-making, leading to a reduction in the human and economic losses from road crashes. CASR has been researching a revised GLS for quite some time.

MRG meeting to present proposed GLS changes - Jan 2018
  CASR presented their research and recommendations for proposed changes to the GLS at the MRG meeting held on 29 January 2018. The recommendations are available in report format. Here are the CASR149 publication details, from the CASR website.

Their report provides a review of the possible elements that could be included in a GLS for motorcyclists in South Australia. The aim is to identify a set of GLS elements that are likely to lead to reductions in crash involvement among novice motorcyclists. The different elements are evaluated in terms of their demonstrated effectiveness or, if this is unknown, their likely efficacy based on general road safety principles. Candidate GLS elements were taken from a report for Austroads authored by Christie (2014). A model motorcycle GLS was then proposed, incorporating the elements most likely to lead to a safety benefit.

MRG members were invited to ask questions and make some initial comments. The minister publicised the CASR report on 1st Feb 2018 and immediately sought feedback. A public consultation phase commenced, inviting feedback on the numerous items in the report. Your feedback and comments will be greatly valued and will contribute to future decisions on motorcycle licensing laws in South Australia. Public feedback could be tendered in a variety of ways.

Who Details
MRASA Members Email to the Road Safety Officer or President by COB 7th Feb 2018 for inclusion into our response
General Public YourSAy survey website - online 'YourSAy' survey by COB 16th Feb 2018
MRG Members Email directly to DPTI Road Safety Officer by COB 28th Feb 2018

Feedback on proposed GLS changes - Feb 2018
  The MRASA has compiled member responses and committee input and formulated a 'best position', which will be submitted directly to DPTI in accordance with requirements. Here is an extract (PDF format) of the MRASA response.

To summarise the MRASA response to the proposed changes, the following table has been formulated. This is an adaptation of the table of proposed changes from CASR. The items from the CASR table have been categorised into sections of 'criteria for attainment' and 'rules and conditions' in each step of the GLS. We would like to mention that a definition needs to be defined for phones, communication and navigation devices, to avoid issues such as those we have had with ARR 299.

Proposed GLS Matrix

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