MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Oval 2, Toy Run 2012
About the MRASA
  The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia is an association whose main aim is to protect the rights of all motorcyclists in South Australia and provide them with a voice in the public and political arenas. The MRASA is the recognised voice for motorcycling with the Government. It also aims to create a more realistic public perception of motorcyclists through its encouragement and support of road safety initiatives and its involvement in the wider community, with events such as the MRA Toy Run (commencing in 1979, the year MRASA began) and various charity rides. It also has a social side, holding rallies and runs for members and friends to get together in a family-friendly environment.

The MRA is run by motorcyclists for motorcyclists, and membership entitles you to pursue an active role in the Association and how it is run. Members can stand for election, and vote for those standing for election. As an elected committee member you can have input on issues which can affect the future of motorcycling, as well as contribute ideas and raise issues of concern or interest. Members may also stand for election on a subcommittee and may contribute to the MRA magazine, Centrestand.

The MRA is not an exclusive organisation, and welcomes membership of riders of all ages, with any make or style of motorcycle or scooter - new, old, vintage or classic. Being a member of another club or organisation does not prevent you joining the MRA and enjoying the benefits of membership, nor do you have to own or even ride a motorcycle to be a member.

As a member you will receive a copy of Centrestand which is published four times a year: in March, June, September and December. One of the primary aims of our magazine is to keep you informed on current issues and what the Association is doing in regards to them. It also provides you with a means of expressing your opinion or discussing issues of concern to you. All contributions to Centrestand are welcome from members and should be sent to the Editor.

On our website you will find news and information relating to runs, rallies and other motorcycling activities, along with meeting times of various interest groups. Please feel free to attend any meeting, for your contribution will be welcome and could even have an impact on motorcycling in SA.

Ride On.
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