MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Motorcycle Parking on Footpaths
  Victoria has had motorcycle parking on footpaths for years, and the MRASA has discussed this with the Adelaide City Council (ACC) over many years. One of the main difference between Melbourne and Adelaide is that Melbourne has very wide centre islands between the two directions of traffic, and wide footpaths. This offers ample space for motorcyclists to gain access and park safely, with little interaction with pedestrians. The issue in Adelaide is our narrower footpaths do not safely allow for motorcycle parking AND safe pedestrian traffic areas. There are only a few safe locations for motorcyclists to park on the footpath in Adelaide, and these are being progressively trialed by the ACC.

It will take public and rider education over a period of time for this to become a reality in a safe and organised way. The articles below outline the more recent events with respect to footpath parking in the Adelaide CBD (most recent near the top).

Footpath Parking Guidelines - 02 March 2018
  The Adelaide City Council (ACC) request riders follow some guidelines for the use of footpath parking. The ACC footpath parking locations do not require motorcycles or scooters to cross footpath areas or pedestrian desire lines. Unlike the recently changed laws regarding riding bicycles along footpaths, riding a motorcycle or scooter on a footpath is an offence.

Riders using the parking areas are to offer courtesy to road users, cyclists and pedestrian traffic at all times. Riders should enter and exit the designated parking areas slowly, and not make excessive noise. Other events and activities are often nearby, so to are businesses and their customers, so a common courtesy needs to be given.
Additional Footpath Parking in Adelaide CBD - 11 May 2017
  The MRASA is pleased to announce the addition of three more footpath parking areas in the Adelaide CBD. There are now 8 dedicated areas for footpath parking for motorcycles and scooters. The MRASA acknowledge the continued support of the Adelaide City Council to the motorcycling community.

Adelaide City Council - Motorcycle and Scooter Parking on footpaths
ACC Media Release on Footpath Parking in CBD.

1 Light Square, 2 Hindmarsh Square, 3 Victoria Square North, 4 Victoria Square South,
5 Angas St, 6 Grote St, 7 Wakefield St West, 8 Wakefield St East.

ACC Motorcycle Footpath Parking Update - March 2017
  Motorcycle parking on footpaths in the Adelaide CBD is growing in popularity, particularly over recent months. It is now becoming difficult to get a space within the allocated area in some of the footpath parking zones. We have been monitoring some of the parks on a regular basis, and have documented the increased patronage. The MRASA have been in discussion with ACC to help address this, and hope that in coming months the ACC will respond to the situation. Further recommendations have been made, and time will tell as to the outcome of these suggestions.
ACC Motorcycle Footpath Parking Trial Update - June 2016
  The Adelaide City Council has issued a media release announcing 3 more locations for free parking in the Adelaide CBD. These are in designated areas on Hindmarsh Square, Grote Street and Wakefield Street. 46 additional spaces are now available for motorcycles and scooters. Depending on the outcome of the trial, more locations may be considered. Link to media release on ACC website or in PDF format. Link to ACC Motorcycle Parking page.
ACC Motorcycle Footpath Parking Trial - Feb 2016
  From Monday 15 February 2016, the Adelaide City Council is trialling motorcycle and scooter parking on designated footpath areas to cater for existing parking demand, and to also encourage more people to come into the city by motorcycles and scooters. The two locations selected (pictures in linked article) are:
  • Victoria Square / Tarntanyangga (north-west corner)
  • Light Square / Wauwi (western side, just south of Currie Street)
ACC MC Parking
Victoria Square - photo taken Monday 21 March 2016 at midday

Q. How will motorcycle and scooter riders access the designated trial parking areas?
A driveway access point is located adjacent to the designated motorcycle trial parking area in Light Square to assist with safe access, and will not impact on pedestrian movements. The Victoria Square trial location has a service road, which will be used by motorcyclists to access the parking area. Motorcyclists are not under any circumstances permitted to ride along the footpaths.

Q. How will the motorcycle and scooter areas be designated?
Motorcycle and scooter riders can only park in the designated footpath areas. Signs will delineate the area where you can park your motorcycle. During the trial period any motorcycle or scooter found parked outside the designated footpath area may be issued with a $91 fine in accordance with Australian Road Rule 197. Fines may also be issued by SAPOL, which would attract an additional $60 victims of crime levy.

Q. Will there be interactions between people riding motorcycles or scooters and pedestrians?
The locations selected for the trial do not require motorcycles or scooters to cross footpath areas or pedestrian desire lines. Unlike the recently changed laws regarding riding bicycles along footpaths, riding a motorcycle or scooter on a footpath is an offence.

Q. Will the parking be free, and will there be time limits imposed on the parking?
During the trial, the motorcycle and scooter parking will be free, consistent with all other on-street motorcycle and scooter parking in the City of Adelaide. There will be no time limits during the trial, but this may be reviewed in the future as part of a broader on-street motorcycle parking review.

Here is the complete and official ACC motorcycle parking publication provided to MRASA.
For more information contact the Adelaide City Council Customer Centre on (08) 8203 7203.

Motorcycle Parking on Footpaths Trial - Dec 2015
  The Adelaide City Council has requested staff to investigate and trial motorcycle and scooter parking on designated footpaths areas to cater for existing parking demand, and to also encourage more people to come into the city by motorcycles and scooters. Riders should take note that the consultation period concluded on 30 November 2015.

The Council has been working with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) and SA Police (SAPOL) to setup the trial, given it is not currently practiced in South Australia. More information is available from the Adelaide City Council webpage.
Footpath Parking in Adelaide CBD - 04 March 2015
  The MRASA supports Adelaide City Council and Councillor David Slama in their proposal for limited footpath parking in the Adelaide CBD. Councillor David Slama discussed the proposal with the MRASA following the recent Council elections. The MRASA welcomes the input from a Councillor (who is a rider) to these motorcycle specific issues. There is a strong demand for the existing parking places for motorcycles and an increase is needed to cater to our growing numbers.

Mr Phil McClelland, President MRASA   

Read the Adelaide Now article on scooters and motorbikes on Adelaide Footpaths.

Timed Motorcycle Parking in Adelaide CBD - 21 April 2015
  A recent Email to the MRASA alerted us to changes in motorcycle parking in the CBD.

"A motion was moved by Councillor Moran at the Adelaide City Council Meeting of 23rd September 2014, On-street Motorcycle Parks [2014/01642] [C], and subsequently passed.

This motion was for the administration to prepare a report on the feasibility of on street motorcycle parks (all of which are currently not time limited) having time limits applied. It is apparent, from the fact that two motorcycle parking areas in Franklin Street and one in Morney Street are now time limited, that this has now been implemented."

Update 15 September 2015
There is currently 1078 motorcycle parking spaces available in the Adelaide CBD, of which 36 are timed spaces. Timed parking applies to the locations listed below (addresses approximate). The MRASA are lobbying to have more definitive marking to help riders identify which spaces have timed parking. Here is a motorcycle parking map in PDF format published by the Adelaide City Council.
  • 217 Franklin Street, Adelaide
  • 9 Morney Street, Adelaide
  • 22 Franklin Street, Adelaide
  • 241 Wright Street, Adelaide
  • Gilbert Street, Adelaide (near King William St)

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