Motorcycle Rallies
The MRASA provides advertising space to organisers who wish to put on rally events for
motorcyclists. Going to a rally is like going camping with your motorcycle. Rallies
range from 'back to basic' events, where you provide everything from water, wood and
toilet paper, up to fully catered events where you can buy your every need. Please
check with the event organisers so you can ascertain the level of comfort before going.
If you would like your rally or run listed on this page, please email the details
to the Webmaster (see contacts page).
The Great Escape Rally
The MRASA has an annual rally each year usually held in May at Marrabel.
The 2024 event did not go ahead due to conditions beyond our control.
Information regarding the 20025 event will be published shortly.
The Peregrine Rally 2025
The CMA are hosting their annual rally in Jabuk South Australia.
Here is a link to the Peregrine Rally website.
Rally List provided by Marlene 2025
The following list has been provided here with permission by Marlene.