MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Bike at Toy Run 2016
Motorcycle Reference Group (MRG)

What is the MRG?

In September 2012, the Government released a discussion paper outlining six proposals aimed at reducing the over-representation of motorcycle deaths and serious injuries. In total, 443 submissions on the discussion paper were received. The response to the proposals was positive and reflects the community's concerns regarding the vulnerability of motorcycle riders and pillion passengers on our roads. There was support for the majority of the proposals as well as additional community feedback on issues regarding motorcycle safety.

In August 2013, the new Road Safety Action Plan 2013-2016 was released. This includes several initiatives that are designed to reduce motorcyclist road trauma, such as identifying locations for motorcycle infrastructure investment, development and delivery of a motorcycle refresher course and motorcycle communication campaign development. A copy of the Motorcycle Action Plan fact sheet can be viewed here (PDF, 1432 KB).

The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure has briefed key motorcycle groups of the outcomes and established a Motorcycle Reference Group consisting of key motorcycle stakeholders. The Government continues to work with stakeholders to improve motorcycle road safety. The MRASA is a proud member of the stakeholder group.

DPTI Motorcycle Reference Group Meeting - 17 May 2019
  DPTI announced and held this year's first MRG meeting on the 17th May and it was well attended. The minister was not present, with proceedings well managed by Gabby O'Neill, Director of Road Safety. The main focus for the meeting was the future of rider training and education.

The meeting had a different construct to previous meetings, we were divided into pre-allocated groups to discuss and document our suggestions. The topics were then combined from all groups and voted on by all attending. This focussed discussion and outcomes approach is a common and proven technique, avoiding the often negative, unproductive and single minded views evident from 'free-for-all' rant sessions.

The MRA look forward to seeing what DPTI do with stakeholder feedback.

DPTI Motorcycle Reference Group Meeting - 26 May 2017
  The motorcycle reference group meeting held on 26 May 2017 had three agenda items for discussion.
  • Audio Tactile devices for Gorge Road
  • Feedback sought on Regulation Impact Statement
  • Feedback sought on Graduated Licensing System
Audio Tactile devices are to be fixed to the centre line of Gorge Rd. The purpose of this is to give a clear warning to vehicles when the wheels are on the centre line and in danger of crossing into the oncoming lane. The dimensions of the device will be 100 x 20 x 5 which is half as high as those used on the edge of roads such as the freeway. Extensive testing has occurred in New Zealand for the past few years with no reported interference to motorcycle or bicycle stability or traction when running over them. DPTI has asked if the riding groups would be in favour of this proposal and have asked for responses to be provided.

DPTI have announced that comment is sought on the Regulation Impact Statement for the introduction of ABS for motorcycles. Comments should be provided by 7 July 2017. Feedback is also sought on the proposed Graduated Licensing System.

Other matters discussed included the introduction of a new type of roadside barrier. The current W beam is fixed at each anchor point. The new system has flexible anchoring so that upon impact the beam will move with the object thereby allowing a graduated dissipation of energy. Contrary to reports elsewhere, DPTI had this change on its maintenance programme for some time and was part of its road safety improvement initiative.

Ebi Lux - Road Safety Officer

DPTI Motorcycle Reference Group Meeting - 17 November 2016
  The motorcycle reference group meeting held on 17 November 2016 had three agenda items for discussion.
  • Lane Filtering
  • Licensing proposal
  • Rider Safety Handbook
Lane filtering took up most of the time as it is very topical and legislation is imminent.

DPTI then presented its position on interstate filtering conditions which it is considering to present for legislative sign off. Apart from restrictions on R-date licence holders being allowed to filter the proposal is in line with the MRASA published position. Like the MRASA, DPTI see the advantage of trying to implement uniform legislation across the nation (table available on the lane filtering page).

The MRASA asked for a clearer definition of the vague term 'when safe to do so'. Our thoughts were that as this is a subjective term it is open to interpretation by different officers. DPTI and SAPOL both stated that it was almost impossible to define, examples of safe and unsafe behaviour will be included in the extensive planned education programme which will be released with lane filtering legislation.

The licensing proposal has been on the agenda for some time and will continue there for a while yet. The contentious issue were whether the minimum age at which a licence can be obtained should be raised in line with the age for getting a car licence; should the r-date period be extended and what format of instruction should be undertaken by moped riders.

The Rider Safety Handbook was a simple case of updating photos to keep the book current. Neville Gray had spent a lot of time updating wording and legislation which had changed since its last revision.

The meeting closed on time and as per usual a lot of networking occurred. On a very positive note DPTI confirmed that our position paper was simple, implementable and acceptable. Our influence is evident in the approach now being taken to close off this matter.

Ebi Lux - Vice President & Road Safety Officer

DPTI Motorcycle Reference Group Meeting - 7 April 2016
  Here is a copy of the MRG Meeting report from Road Safety Officer and Vice President Ebi Lux.

DPTI Motorcycle Reference Group Meeting - 20 April 2015
  The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) has established a Motorcycle Reference Group (MRG) consisting of key motorcycle stakeholders. The MRASA has representation in this motorcycle interest group instigated by the minister. Through the MRG the Government continues to work with stakeholders to improve motorcycle road safety and to propose policy changes.

On Monday 20 April 2015 two members from the MRASA executive attended the April meeting and the MRASA is pleased to report the following outcomes summary. Many thanks to our VP/RSO for reporting so promptly.

Adelaide Hills Road Audit and safety measures implementation
  • As part of the ongoing road maintanance program all DPTI owned roads are swept every fortnight to remove minor accumulations from the roads.
  • Paint used for line marking will be standard paint but with a 50% quartz additive as opposed to the normal 40% thereby providing better grip. Testing of paint quality and inspections of application durability will be carried out monthly.
  • The current stack cushions used to support wire rope barriers is dark green which is nearly invisible in low light conditions. A trial of white stack cushions will occur along Main North Road which will make the barrier more visible. It is expected that all future rope barrier deployments will also have white cushions. The MRA asked if replacement/repair of existing barriers would also be in white. Outcome of this to be advised.
Lane Filtering
  • As a result of MRG influence, a recommendation to trial lane filtering will be presented for ministerial approval. Group consensus was that filtering was inevitable, as other states had approved the practice and waiting to see results served no purpose. Please note that this does NOT mean the trial will commence immediately as it needs to be prepared, presented and approved by the minister to proceed.
  • The MRA suggested that Rider Safe prepare training advice on how and when to safely filter as part of the basic Rider Safe course.
Returning Riders Course
  • A returning riders course has been prepared and was successfully trialled on 10 April 2015 by two groups of 8 and 9 riders ranging from genuine returning riders to highly experienced riders. Feedback was positive with only minor amendments required. The course lasts for approximately 3.5 hrs with lecture, practical and DVD content.
  • It is expected to roll out the program by Quarter 3 (June - September) and it will be available at any of the Rider Safe ranges. The cost at this stage is unknown.
  • Rider Safe was specific in saying their courses are aimed at getting a novice onto a bike. They will investigate the possibility of promoting advance riding skills trainers and facilities through their sites. Please note that anyone offering professional rider training must be a licenced instructor. There have been instances reported of unqualified people offering advanced rider training.
Implementation of Rub Rail barriers in the Adelaide Hills
The installation of the metal rub rail beneath W-beam guardrails is proceeding. Due to the additional funding and reduced cost of the metal sheets a total of 354 lane km will be installed throughout the Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula road network.

Adelaide Hills Signage
The recent road audit has identified many instances of poor or misleading signage in the hills. Examples include signs incorrectly placed, invisible, positioned too late to be effective, too small and too low. These will be replaced with a new generation of signs as part of the program. One instance of a rubbish bin mounted on concrete in what is clearly a run off area has been identified and will be moved as a priority.

Non-Slip Steel plates used in roadworks
The MRASA raised the issue of smooth steel plates being used to cover holes in roadworks presenting a danger. DPTI will check on the appropriate required standard and advise contractors accordingly. The MRASA is to provide specific locations of plates deemed to be unsafe.

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