MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Harley at Toy Run 2016
Achievements and Activities of the MRASA
  Established in 1979, the MRASA has has consistently represented motorcyclists in supporting their (our) chosen lifestyle, in all matters of road safety, in getting a fair hearing from governments and in presenting motorcyclists as contributing members of the community.

This page is an extract from document produced by Peter Mount on the achievements and history of the MRASA. Comments on the content of this page are very welcome, and can be directed to the author via the MRASA secretary (see contacts page). The MRASA has been a member of the Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) since its formation in 1980. The MRASA has also been a member of the Australasian College of Road Safety since 2013.

Achievements and Projects - Summary
Period Activity / Achievement
1979-86 Provision of MRA rider training (novice and advanced) and sidecar training - at Oaklands Park Driver Development Centre (leading to inaugural RiderSafe training in 1987)
1979 Lobbied for road infrastructure improvements - re motorcycle safety
1980 Establishment of Australian Motorcycle Council to represent state and territory motorcycle bodies to federal government
1981 Repeal of 80kph rural speed limit for motorcyclists with pillions
1981 Repeal of convex mirror ban
1982 MRA invited onto Third Party Premiums Committee
1982 Establishment of MRA 4Bs (Bent and Buckled Bikers Brigade) - to support hospitalised bikers
1982 Initiation of quarterly blood runs - donations to Red Cross
1983 MRA Australia established - to provide link between 7 MRAs throughout Australia
1983-95 MRA motorcycle recovery service
1984 Jan 28-29 MRA hosted MRA Australia National Conference in Adelaide
1984 Change of 'Keep Left' law for motorcyclists - now allowed to ride in any position within the lane rather than "as near as practicable to the left-hand side of the road" (riders previously booked for avoiding potholes, oil slicks, drivers' blind spots etc.)
1984-89 Lobbied for development of skid-resistant road marking paint
1984 Recommendation to SA Government of 'No Fault' third party insurance scheme for motorcyclists - SGIC interested - introduced for all road users 2014
1984 Repeal of black helmet ban
1984 Solidarity meeting of major bike groups in SA - to allay public concerns re 'Milperra Massacre'-type situation in SA
1984 Commenced lobbying against mandatory daytime headlights-on proposal for motorcycles
1984 Moped riding on car licence legislation passed - MRA opposed
1984 Aug 29 Meeting with Minister of Transport Roy Abbott - re moped legislation
1984 Nov 16 Meeting with Minister of Transport Roy Abbott - re third party insurance premiums
1984 Nov 22 Meeting with Premier John Bannon - re 'Lights-On' proposal - agreed to waive proposal in favour of driver awareness advertising campaign
1984 Representation on Motor Registration Division Steering Committee
1984 Representation on Motorcycle Industry Division of SA Automobile Chamber of Commerce
1984 Motorcycle marshalling for KESAB 'Superwalk' - national TV coverage
1984 Promotional support for Olympic Telethon - organised by Channel Ten
1984 Establishment of SA MRA Touring Squad (SAMRATS) - to facilitate social riding, event support and promotion of MRA work and purpose amongst motorcycling community
1984-87 Establishment of MRA regional Registers (sub-branches)
- Mid-North Register
- Adelaide hills Register
- West Coast Register
- Yorke Peninsula Register
- South-East Register
- Riverland Register
1984-87 MRA promotional functions at:
- Clare, Kadina festivals
- road racing championships AIR, Mallala
- school fetes, including rides for kids
- Castrol 3-Hour motorcycle races AIR - national TV coverage
1984-90 Annual October 'Motorcycle Awareness Month' - 'Biketober' - shopping centre bike displays, fuel economy runs, rider training days, road safety leaflet and poster campaigns, motorcycle expos
Motorcycle Awareness Ride Glenelg to Bonython Park
1984 'Biketober' opened by Minister of Transport Roy Abbott - at Driver Development Centre Oaklands Park
1984-87 Motorcycle support for SA Amateur Cycling Association - Adelaide to Victor Harbor and Barossa Tour competitions
1984 - Present Inaugural MRA rally at Marrabel
1984 - Present Working for nationally consistent and improved helmet standards
NB - European standard ECE 22.05 helmets approved in SA as of April 2016
1984 - Present City parking for motorcyclists
- gained increase in city parking
- argued against ticketing machines for motorcycles
- submissions to ACC re motorcycle parking in the city (including footpath parking)
- multiple motorcycles now allowed in car parking spaces (1996)
NB - ACC currently conducting footpath parking trials (2016-17)
1984 - Present Submissions and papers to governmentforums and parliamentary enquiries into road safety - e.g.
- motorcycle safety
- fatigue on the road
- helmet standards
- lane filtering
- older road users
- younger road users
- road safety barrier systems
- driver training and licensing
- motorcycle training and licensing
- noise standards and regulations
- road design and traffic management
- street furniture and road infrastructure
1985 Lobbied for motorcycle-specific hazard warning signs
1985 Involvement in review of Australian Design Rules (ADR) for motorcycle exhaust noise
1985 Submission to Federal Government re 'audible conspicuity' of motorcycles
1985 Coordinated SA leg of Around-Australia motorcycle safety promotional ride - by MRA Australia President on Yamaha FJ1200 - sponsored by Yamaha Australia - 50 MRA branches and registers visited
1985 Aug 7 Meeting with Minister of Transport Gavin Keneally - re rider training, skid-resistant road marking paint, skid-resistant roadworks plates, differential urban speed limits etc.
1985 Development of 'Motorcycling is Magic' slogan for 'Biketober'
1985 'Biketober' opened by Minister of Transport Gavin Keneally at Wigley Reserve, Glenelg
1985 Submission to Third Party Premiums Committee re third party insurance premiums
1985-87 MRA bike show at Glenelg
1985-93 Lobbied for bitumenising of steel roadworks plates - and later development of extruded steel mesh treatment
1986 June 24 Meeting with Minister of Transport Gavin Keneally - re third part insurance premiums
1986 Submission to SGIC re third party insurance premiums
1986 Repeal of differential urban speed limit of 40kph for motorcyclists with pillions
1986 Two-year freeze on third party insurance premiums for motorcyclists
1986 Motorcycles exempted from fuel rationing (applicable to other vehicles when in place)
1986 Provided logistical and promotional support for 14th National Wheelchair Games - 10 days' duration
1986 Logistical and promotional support for national land yacht races at Port Gawler
1986 Recommendation to Australian Bureau of Statistics for motorcycles to be included on census form
1986-88 Development of Road Safety Education and Motorcycle Awareness Program for pre-licence children and presented in schools by MRA
1987 Instrumental in development of training manual and introduction of 'RiderSafe' rider training (3 years' work)
1987 Letter to Police Commissioner re risk of motorcycle deaths in high-speed pursuits
1987 MRA addressed first State Government Road Safety Forum - 6 papers presented
1987-88 MRA 1-hour weekly radio Program 5MMM-FM
1988 Production of a handbook of advice for novice motorcyclists - 'The Ride of Your Life' - for distribution to motorcyclists, bike shops and rider training centres throughout Australia - sponsored by SGIC
1988 Lobbied against increase in import tariffs on bikes and spare parts - no local industry to protect, bikes and parts more expensive
1988 Submission to Minister of Transport Gavin Keneally - re third party insurance premiums
1989 Instrumental in SA Government development of skid-resistant road marking paint (a world first - 5 years' work)
1989 MRA Australia National Rally at Mambray Creek
1989 Researched the potential for national campaigns to reduce road trauma in the long term
1989 Invited by Federal Government to recommend production material for national driver awareness campaign - i.e. awareness of motorcyclists
1990 MRA addressed second State Government Road Safety Forum - 'Older Road Users' and 'Younger Road Users' - 2 papers presented
1990 MRA Australia National Rally at Mount Gambier
1990 MRA effectiveness survey
1991 Lobbied against proposal to repeal regulation permitting motorcycles to be ridden under 25kph without a helmet
1991 Lobbied against more restrictive helmet laws for riders and sidecar passengers
1991 SA Minister of Transport Frank Blevins endorsed distribution of MRA's 'Look Right, Look Left, Look Bike' stickers with all registration and licence renewals
1992 Establishment of Motorcycle Safety Research Committee - Department of Transport
1992 Contributed to development of ADRs for trikes and creation of a specific trike category - previously trikes could not be registered in all states and territories (including SA)
1993 Instrumental in further development of skid-resistant roadworks plates - extruded steel mesh treatment (9 years' work and currently in revisitation mode)
1993-94 MRA weekly radio show 5PBA-FM
1993-97 Numerous meetings with Minister For Transport Diana Laidlaw - re third party premiums, motorcycle safety, road infrastructure etc.
1994 MRA received Australia Day award for 1993 MRA Toy Run as SA 'Event of the Year'
1994 SA skid-resistant road marking paint used as a model for skid-resistance to be included in Australian Standard (7 years' work)
1995 Establishment of Motorcycle Safety Strategy Advisory Group - Department of Transport
1995 Invited by Federal Government to contribute to development of inaugural Australian Road Rules
1995 Invited by Tasmanian Government to present statewide seminars on 'Designing and Maintaining Safer Roads for Motorcyclists'
1995 Contributed to development of Federal Government National Road Safety Action Plan
1995 Oct 7-8 Invited by National Trust to set up motorcycle display at Government House
1995 - Present Contributing to trials, standards and implementation of safer barrier systems for motorcyclists
1996 Contributed to national repeal of 'Lights-On' legislation (12 years' work)
1996 Submission to Minister For Transport opposing outsourcing of RiderSafe training program
1996 Contributed to development of National Rural Road Safety Action Plan
1996 Conducted study into effectiveness of rider training
1996 Lobbied for learner approved motorcycle scheme (LAMS) to replace 250cc learner limit
1997 Contributed to SA office of road safety research program
1997 Motorcycle awareness display in Rundle Mall
1998 Argued against increasing the size of motorcycle numberplates
1998 Argued for transparency in Third Party Premiums Committee deliberations
1998 Submission re school zone road marking paint proposal - non-skid-resistant paint used on zigzags across approach lane
1998 Achieved reduction in third party premiums for bikes. NB - Since gaining membership of the Third Party Premiums Committee in 1982 the MRA influenced the size of increases to keep them to a minimum
1998 Contributed to review of use (or lack) of skid-resistant road marking paint
1998 Contributed to National Road Safety Summit
1999 Establishment of Road Safety Consultative Group - Department of Transport
1999 Contributed to Gorge Road safety audit - conducted by B. C. Tonkin and Adelaide University Road Accident Research Unit (later to become Centre for Automotive Safety Research)
1999 Development of MRA website
1999 Submission to Federal Government enquiry into fatigue on the road
1999 Establishment of National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC) - by Australian Governments and the insurance industry
2000-02 Lobbied against reintroduction of front numberplates for motorcycles
2000 Lobbied for motorcycle-friendly traffic calming devices - e.g. sloping kerbing at roundabouts (now used Australia-wide), single-wheel gaps in 'slow points' on side streets, removal of "yellow bricks" (safety bars)
2000 Dec Federal Government rejection of front numberplates (but not by SA Government)
2001 Contributed to review of motorcycle noise ADRs
2001 July 7-8 MRA hosted Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) Conference in Victor Harbor
2001-present MRA becomes the AMC's representative on NMVTRC
2001 Representation to Federal Government on 'Women in Motorcycling' study
2001 Aug Contributed to National Speed and Road Safety Conference held in Adelaide
2001 Lobbied for removal of slippery white-painted on-road through arrows - and subsequent slippery black paint initially used
2002 Contributed to draft SA Road Safety Strategy
2002 Contributed articles to RAA bi-monthly magazine "SA Motor"
2002 July 6-7 MRA hosted Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) Conference in Adelaide
2002 Police cease arguing for front numberplates - push instead for study into other means of 'frontal identification'
2003 Establishment of Motorcycle Task Force - Department of Transport
2003 Representation on Adelaide Hills and suburban community road safety forums
2003 Contributed to SA Government crash reporting criteria review
2003 June 11 Participated in Glenelg Motorcycle Safety Forum
2003 Lobbied against SA Government proposal for mandatory rider retraining for 40+-year-olds
2003 Contributed to Adelaide City Council (ACC) proposal re coloured road marking paint in the city
2003 Participated in review of motorcycle registration labels
2004 Participated in SA Government speed seminar
2004 Participated in Australian College of Road Safety (ACRS) barrier systems seminar
2004 Participated in local community road safety seminars
2004 Contributed to draft SA Motorcycle Road Safety Strategy 2004-2007
2004 Contributed to Adelaide Hills motorcycle safety strategy
2005 Repeal of 250cc learner restriction - replaced with Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme (LAMS) (21 years' work)
2005 Instrumental in development of SA Motorcycle Safety Strategy 2005-2010
2006 Increased capacity limit (to 660cc) of intermediate category to cover all LAMS bikes - thereby reducing registration cost of large LAMS bikes
2006 March Submission to National Transport Commission (NTC) on Australian Road Rule (ARR) amendment proposal re lane splitting and filtering
2006 June NTC ARR lane splitting/filtering amendment proposal withdrawn
2006 Submission to SA Government arguing against withdrawal of funding for RiderSafe training
2007 May 26 MRA, Garage Motorcycles, L. J. Hooker hosted '65 Roses' fundraising event for cystic fibrosis research
2007 SA Scooter Club merged with MRA
2007 Adelaide City Council encourages motorcycles and scooters in CBD
2008 Participated in Federal Government Motorcycle and Scooter Safety Summit in Canberra
2008 Lobbied against "yellow bricks" - 'safty bars' - glued on roads - to be phased out
2008-9 Lobbied against SA Government 'Serious and Organised Crime (Control)' Bill - "the Bikie Bill" - 'SOCCA' - potential to discriminate against any entity or individual whatever their interest
2009 Participated in Adelaide Hills community forum re speed limits
2009 Motorcycle Awareness Week reintroduced
2009 April Participated in Federal Government 'Strategic Transportation Research and Technology Futures' Conference at Glenelg
2009 Participated in Adelaide Hills Motorcycle Safety Strategy
2009 - Present Motor Accident Commission (MAC) partnership with MRA for Toy Run and Mick Doohan motorcycle safety campaigns
2009 Publication of rider's handbook - developed by Motorcycle Task Force (including MRA)
2010 Motorcycle barrier system polymer curtain protection trials ('BASYC' system) - conducted by DPTI in hills, Strathalbyn and Sedan - negotiated by Motorcycle Task Force (including MRA)
2010 Aug 14-15 MRA hosted Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) Conference in Adelaide
2010 Feb 24 Participated in SA Motorcycle Road Safety Forum Mile End
2010 'Look Right, Look Left, Look Bike' and 'Motorcycle Aware Driver' stickers - produced by Motor Accident Commission (MAC) for MRA
2010 Lobbied for retention of dedicated motorcycle road safety strategy - after 2005-2010 strategy expires
2010 Lobbied for retention of funding for Motorcycle Task Force
2010 Participated in road safety forums in regional centres
2011 Establishment of Stakeholder Reference Group - Department of Transport
2011 Minister for Road Safety Tom Kenyon attended MRA committee meeting - to discuss motorcycle safety issues
2011 Supported trials of under-run guardrail system and stack cushion attenuators for motorcycle protection
2011 Widespread promotion of 'Good Gear Guide' and safety advice to riders - supported by Motor Accident Commission and National Road Safety Council
2011 Continued to lobby for better helmet standards with focus on acceptance of Euro standards
2011 Lobbied for improved learner rider venues and training
2011 Involved in Motor Accident Commission safety campaigns
2011-12 Lobbied against proposed motorcycle licence levy
2012 Jan 20 New MRA website launched
2012 Submission to SA Government re proposal to reduce speed limit on Bull Creek Road
2012 MRA's Motorcycle Awareness Week - 'Biketober' - supported by National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council
2012 Lobbied for change to ADR 19.02 and SA road rules re motorcycle indicator width
2012 Submissions and meetings re motorcycle proposals for SA Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 - 'Towards Zero Together'
2012 More intensive work on helmet standards
2012 Submissions re SA Government licensing change proposals
- car licence before motorcycle licence
- 6 months basic before advanced training
- zero blood alcohol content (BAC) on R-date licence
- moped licences
- no pillions on R-date licence
- motorcycle licence levy
2012 Participated in 'improving motorcycle safety' seminar - conducted by Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management (AITPM) and ACRS
2012 Lobbied for reintroduction of dedicated SA Motorcycle Safety Strategy
2012 Lobbied for motorcycles and scooters to use bus lanes
2012 Preliminary negotiations for off-road riding areas
2012 Renewed submission to SA Government re skid-resistant steel roadworks plates
2012 Worked with Centre for Automotive Safety Research (CASR) on motorcycle safety project
2013 Establishment of Motorcycle Reference Group (MRG) - Department of Transport
2013 Participated in National Road Safety Forum
2013 Further lobbying against reintroduction of front numberplates for motorcycles
2013 Liaised with ACCC re recall of unsafe helmets
2013 Lobbied for orange bases to replace black bases on traffic bollards - black bases separate after a collision and cannot be easily seen on the road so are a risk to motorcyclists
2013 Lobbied for amendment to ARR 299 to allow GPS and other VDUs on motorcycles
2013 Contributed to revision of SA Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020
2013 Formation of Motorcycle Reference Group (MRG) - $1.6m allocated to motorcycle-specific infrastructure improvements
2013 Contributed to development of clothing rating system - commissioned by NSW Government
2013 Lobbied for legal acceptance of helmet cams
2013-14 Contributed to first wide scale motorcycle safety audit of Adelaide Hills roads - using special QLD auditing motorcycle on 17 worst roads (Yamaha FJR1300)
2014 Lobbied for improved road maintenance - gravel, sightlines, edgelines, loose surface, guardrail, shoulder sealing etc.
2014 Mar 2 ARR 299 amendment passed - allowing GPS and other VDUs on motorcycles
2014 Input to safety review of SE Freeway downtrack
2014 Lobbied against hi-viz motorcycle clothing proposal
2014 Endorsed licensing of 50cc scooter and moped riders - instead of only car licence required as per 1984 legislation
2014 Participated in further Adelaide Hills community forums re speed limit proposals
2014 Lobbied for introduction of intermittent white posts on wire rope safety fence - between green posts so barrier is more easily seen - now used throughout Australia
2014 Development and implementation through RiderSafe of refresher training courses for returning riders (11 years' work)
2014 - Ongoing Contributing to trials of motorcycle road safety auditing
2014-15 Participated in Crime Stoppers' pilot trial of mobile phone app for motorcycle theft research program
2015 Lobbied for amendment to ARR 270 to allow exemption from wearing helmet when pushing bike with engine off - passed December 2016
2015 Lobbied for amendment to ARR 271 to allow standing on footpegs
2015 Motorcycle Reference Group - a further $5.5m allocated to motorcycle-specific infrastructure improvements
2015 Worked with Crime Stoppers re promotion of motorcycle anti-theft campaign
2015 Renewed submission for lane filtering in SA
2015 White (instead of green) stack cushion trial on barrier systems on Main North Road - more easily seen
2015 SA Government motorcycle licence levy proposal withdrawn
2015 Renewed lobbying for skid-resistant steel roadworks plates
2015 Extended implementation of rub-rail barriers in hills - Department of Transport
2015 Contributed to motorcycle security survey - by SA Vehicle Theft Reduction Committee and Attorney General's Department
2015 Represented the AMC at the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Conference in Adelaide - covering statistics, theft prevention, tracking devices, overt and covert marking, cameras etc.
2015 Attended public hearing of senate enquiry into "Aspects of Road Safety in Australia"
2016 Provided $5000 to AMC for seed funding to test Australian approved helmets for compliance with the Australian Standard and in accordance with the European Standard methodology. Testing done by University of Technology Sydney
2016 - Ongoing Lane filtering for motorcycles - ministerial meeting, establishment of MRA position and legislative acceptance in process
2016 - Ongoing 1-hour bi-weekly radio program Coast FM
2016 April 22 Meeting with road safety minister Peter Malinauskas regarding lane filtering (and other issues) for motorcyclists. Establishment of the MRASA position and legislative acceptance in process
2016 April 29 Euro ECE 22.05 helmet standard approved in SA - 32 years' groundwork, including 5 years' work to gain acceptance of ECE 22.05
2016 Organised initial 'First Aid for Motorcyclists' course run in SA
2016 Ridden-on Ride - funds raised donated to the Royal Flying Doctor Service - $1000
2016 Commencement of off-road adventure riding course program
2016 Dec 8 ARR 270 amendment passed - allowing exemption from wearing helmet when pushing bike with engine off
2016 Dec 8 ARR 271 amendment passed - allowing standing on footpegs, removing one leg while seated
2016 - 2017 Working with TAFE to develop basic motorcycle maintenance course
2017 Feb 15 Footpath parking trials for motorcycles commences in Adelaide CBD. Adelaide City Council recognises congestion is alleviated through the use of motorcycles. Trials successful and footpath parking extended
2017 Mar 22 Invited to attend press conference held by minister for road safety Peter Malinauskas. The minister endorsed lane filtering for motorcycles and accepts MRA's recommended criteria
2017 Apr 15 Lane Filtering legislation gazetted with SA coming in line with other states and territories. MRASA now working with AMC for national harmonisation of laws
2017 Supporting the drive by AMC for inclusion of motorcycle transport policy and safety onto the federal Government's agenda
2017 Contributing to the work of the AMC with Deakin University in the development of a 5-star rating system for motorcycle protective clothing
2017 Commence involvement in the development of autonomous vehicle regulations including lobbying for motorcyclists to be factored into vehicle testing regimes at the state and national level
2017 Printing and distribution of helmet stickers - 'Only remove helmet if not breathing normally'
2017 - 2018 ABS on motorcycles - working with Adelaide University's Centre for Automotive Safety Research to examine the effect of ABS in off-road situations
2018 Feb 5 Road Rules - Australian Road Rules revision formalises motorcycle-specific changes (further update Sept 3)
- ARR 151A - Lane Filtering approved for motorcycles, including provision for national uniformity
- ARR270 - Helmets to comply with standards at point of manufacture only rather than for the life of the helmet
- ARR271 - Riders can stand on footpegs, take one leg off pegs, take one hand off bars
- ARR299 - VDUs approved for use on motorcycles - ARR300 - Mobile phones approved for use as a navigational or other aid on motorcycles
2018 April 8 Ridden-on Ride - funds raised donated to Royal Flying Doctor Service
2018 Coast FM - 1 hour weekly radio program 'Motochat' - Wednesdays 7-8pm (ongoing)
2018 Footpath Parking - Footpath parking continues to expand in the CBD with 8 areas now available
2018 Aug 1-7 Communication with Premier Steven Marshall appraising him of MRASA purpose, activities and issues of concern
2018 Sept 19 MotoCAP Launch - The Motorcycle Clothing Assessment Program (MotoCAP) provides riders with scientifically-based information about the protection and comfort of a range of motorcycle jackets, pants and gloves available in Australia and New Zealand utilising a 5-star rating system. MRASA has contributed to the AMC's work with Deakin University in the development of MotoCAP.
2018 Oct 12 Meeting with Office of the Minister for road safety Corey Wingard to discuss resale of helmets, recidivist poor behaviour on roads, MotoCAP, advanced rider training, post-election liaison with Motorcycle Reference Group
2018 Re-run and distribution of helmet stickers - 'At accident scene only remove helmet if not breathing normally'
2019 Jan 20 Ridden-on Ride - Mid-North register ride from Crystal Brook through Horrock's Pass. Funds raised donated to Royal Flying Doctor Service
2019 Jan Meeting with shadow minister for road safety Lee Odenwalder to discuss motorcyle road safety issues.
2019 Feb ACC request feedback on timed motorcycle parks in the CBD (Kintore Ave and Hindmarsh Square). Members invited to comment.
2019 Feb Meeting with Lee Odenwalder and Opposition leader Peter Malinauskas to discuss the proposed Graduated Licensing System for motorcyclists.
2019 Feb MRA queries the purpose of traffic survey devices on Adelaide hills roads. Some motorcyclists thought they were speed detection devices. Received confirmation these devices evaluate how road users negotiate bends. The devices were used before and after the implementation of a trial audio-tactile centreline. This formed the basis of a true evaluation on the effectiveness of the road centreline strategy.
2019 Mar Liaison with the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council indicates a 7% increase in bike theft in SA since 2017
2019 April 14 MRA Ridden-On Ride - Ride from O'Halloran Hill to Second Valley. Funds raised dontated to the 4Bs
2019 April 18 Road Safety Minister Corey Wingard proposes a change to the Graduated Licencing System (GLS) for motorcyclists. This included motorcyclists to have a car licence for 12 months before applying for a motorbike licence. The MRA does not support this change.
2019 May 2 Shadow Road Safety Minister Lee Odenwalder presents to Parliament a private member's bill outlining a revised GLS. The revised GLS proposal was prepared in consultation with the MRA over prior weeks.
2019 May Meeting with Minister for Road Safety Corey Wingard to discuss the GLS, absence of Motorcycle Reference Group meetings, the road toll and road safety.
2019 May 17 Motorcycle Reference Group Meeting was held to brainstorm ideas on how to address the motorcycle crash rate. This concluded with a strong concensus that the motorcycle training in South Australia be reviewed and overhauled. This meeting was called soon after our meeting with the minister, and a letter sent to the Premier Steven Marshall advising them of their obligations to the motorcycling community.
2019 June 19 Australasian College of Road Safety invites MRA to present a paper at the motorcycle safety seminar in Adelaide. The presentation discussed riders' attitudes, hazard perception, road rules, innovative road signage and safety mechanisms that endanger motorcyclists.
2019 July 30 MRA made a submission to Infrastructure SA in response to a discussion paper asking for contributions to their 20-year infrastructure strategy. The MRA emphasised the importance of motorcycling in SA and the critical role improvements to infrastructure will play.
2019 Aug 21 MRA members invited to participate in University of Newcastle research into the implications of autonomous vehicles for vulnerable road users.
2019 Aug 28 Women Riders' World Relay arrives in Adelaide. The MRA supports the Adelaide team at the Torrens Parade Ground. Starting in Scotland last February, women riders exchanged a baton across 80-odd countries over 12 months to promote courage, adventure, unity and passion for riding.
2019 Aug 31 MRA hosts the Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) conference in Adelaide. This was a 2-day conference from Aug 31 - Sept 1 with attendees from most Australian jurisdictions. Speakers included Ray Newland from Victoria and Duncan McRae from NSW.
2019 Sept Development of a MRA road safety strategy and submission to SA Government. The strategy covers all sectors from learners and novices to experienced and returning riders, with attention to
- early and advanced training
- encouragement of a motorcycle road safety culture
- a focus on competence, knowledge and attitudes
- recognition and utilisation of the value of real-world experience
2019 Sept 2 The MRA invited to be a member of the Road Safety Advisory Panel, and invited to the inaugural round-table conference of the new Office of Road Safety. Meeting hosted by the deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics.
2019 Nov 3 SAPOL launch a new series of advertisements focusing on responsible decision-making which is in alignment with the MRA's long-standing promotion of the concept of taking a responsible approach to riding.
2019 Dec 8 MRASA Annual Toy Run
2019 Dec MRA members conclude another successful year of hosting the weekly radio program Motochat on Coast FM (Wednesdays 7-8pm). Ongoing.
Ride Activities
Period Activity
1979 Dec Inaugural annual MRA Toy Run - for the kids - currently longest such ride in southern hemisphere
1980 Nov Third Party Insurance Protest Ride to Parliament House - re excessively high premiums, inefficient, inequitable system
1981 April Third Party Insurance Protest Ride to Parliament House
1982 MAYDAY Third Party Insurance Protest Ride to Parliament House - 7000 bikes
1982 - Present Quarterly blood runs - to Red Cross for blood donation
1984-90 Motorcycle Awareness Month ride (Biketober) - Glenelg to Bonython Park
1985 Feb Third Party Insurance Protest Ride to Parliament House - 7000 bikes, 10,000 riders and pillions
1985 Nov Ride to Vote Election Rally to Parliament House - parties invited to explain their motorcycle safety policies re: third party insurance premiums, street furniture, road marking paint, lights-on legislation, differential speed limits - 9000 bikes
1986-1990 'Share the Warmth' run for Goodwill Mission - bedding and clothing for the disadvantaged
1986-1991 'Easter Bunny Run' to Adelaide Children's Hospital - Easter eggs for the kids
1989 Oct Ride to Vote Election Rally to Parliament House - parties invited to explain their motorcycle safety policies re: third party insurance premiums, street furniture, road infrastructure, driver training, lights-on legislation
1991 June 29 Lights-On Protest Ride to Parliament House - against mandatory daytime headlights-on
1996-2006 Riverland Run - Adelaide to Renmark - fundraiser for childhood cancer association (in conjunction with Vietnam Veterans' Association)
2002-2012 5 Ferries Run - fundraiser for Leukaemia Foundation
2006 Rider Training Cost and Accessibility Protest Ride - withdrawal of subsidised training, reduction in training centres
2007 - Present Ridden-On ride - Adelaide to Second Valley - memorial ride for downed riders
2010-11 Ride for the Child - fundraiser for CanTeen
Representation on South Australian Government Committees
Period Representation
1982 - 1997 Third Party Insurance Premiums Committee
1984 Motor Registration Division Steering Committee
1992 - 1995 Motorcycle Safety Research Committee
1995 Motorcycle Safety Strategy Advisory Group
1999 - 2002 Road Safety Consultative Group
2001 - Present National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council - representing the Australian Motorcycle Council
2003 - 2011 Motorcycle Task Force
2011 - Present Stakeholder Reference Group
Federal representation through the Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC)
This means representation on and involvement in:
- Federal Government Motorcycle Safety Consultative Committee
- Standards Australia Helmets and Visors Committee
- Standards Australia Roadmarking Paint Committee
- Standards Australia Road Safety Barrier Systems Committee
- Standards Australia Road Signs and Traffic Signals Committee
- Motor vehicle standards (Australian Design Rules)
- Australian Road Rules
- Road Design and Traffic Management
- National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council
- Federal Government Motorcycle Action Plans, Policies and Legislation
- Development of motorcycle clothing rating system
- Input to road safety plans, campaigns and legislation affecting motorcyclists.
- Input to rider training and licensing standards
- Input to road safety research related to motorcyclists
- Input to issues such as motorcycle clothing, noise, lighting, ADRs etc.
- This also means access to international motorcycle (rider and trade) organisations
MRASA Toy Run (1979 - Present)
Quarterly Magazine 'Centrestand'
Bike Shop Discounts
Bent and Buckled Bikers Brigade (4Bs) - Formed 1982
- Hospital visits
- Wheelchair program
- Hospital DVD program
Blood Runs
- Quarterly blood donation program, 1982 - present
SA MRA Touring Squad (SAMRATS) - Formed 1984
SA Scooter Club - Formed 1984
Radio Show 'Motochat' Coast FM 1st and 3rd Sunday 9-10am
- Motorcycle promotion and information regarding all things motorcycling
Legal representation and support
Great Escape Rally
- previously MRA rally, MRA mini-rally, Son of mini-rally, etc. 1984 - present
Website, MRA Toy Run Community Facebook page, MRA Facebook Page
Campaigns and Promotions
Campaign or Promotion
Includes MRA partnership with Motor Accident Commission (MAC) -
MRA Toy Run, Mick Doohan campaigns, motorcycle awareness TV ads etc.
Federal Office of Road Safety Campaign 1993
Public Education Campaign on Motorcycle Safety
Replaced with Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme (LAMS) 2014
End Note
  This document is a condensed political and structural history of the MRASA. For brevity it does not include every issue and activity in which the MRA has been involved, but it does cover the issues and events of significance which may be considered indicative of the breadth and depth of the MRA's work since its inception.

Many matters that may have been addressed within the context of larger bodies of work like state and national motorcycle (or broader) safety strategies, forums, seminars and conferences have not, generally, been individually mentioned.

Some years may appear to have little activity, but this does not mean little has been done. A number of issues have taken many years' work in lobbying, research, liaison, collaboration and development at a state, national or international level, some of which are still in progress or are, by their nature, necessarily ongoing, and while this work has been conducted to varying degrees throughout each of these years, it has only been referred to in this document at the commencement and conclusion or resolution of a project, or set of projects, with some major interim milestones identified.

Such issues include, for example, helmet standards (1984-present), road safety barrier systems (1995-present), rider training (1982-2011) and refresher rider training courses (2003-14), third party insurance (1980-98), lane filtering (2006-present), daytime running lights (1984-96), front numberplates (2000-13), skid-resistant roadworks plates (1986-93, 2012-present), skid-resistant road marking paint (1985-89), Australian Design Rules (1981-present), city parking (1984-present), the Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme (1984-2005) and proposals and recommendations for road infrastructure improvements (from inception on).

Given the natural fluidity of legislative proposals, together with innovation in technological development and road safety management, the MRA constantly monitors all of the above issues, and new ones, for ongoing need, effectiveness and application with regard to motorcyclists' welfare.

This document does not contain historical details and activities of subsets of the MRA, such as the regional Registers, the Bent and Buckled Bikers Brigade (4Bs), the SA MRA Touring Squad (SAMRATS) or the SA Scooter Club (SAS), nor does it make note of the many committee members and others within the MRA membership who have generously contributed their skills, attributes and application over the lifetime of the MRA.

This may be considered a 'living' document in that it will be added to as earlier work will be deemed appropriate to include, work in train will have outcomes and future work will be commenced or resolved.

Any recommendations for amendments, corrections, additions, clarification and improvement would be appreciated. Please contact the MRASA Secretary for this purpose.

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