MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Bay Rd, Mount Gambier
  Below you will find some links to sites that may be of interest. If you find any broken links or would like to add a link to this page, please contact the Webmaster.

  Interesting and Informative Links:
  • LAMS Approved Motorcycles List - South Australian Government
    This is a link to the latest list of bikes that comply with the Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme (LAMS)
  • Motorcycling Roadworthiness Fact Sheet
    Here is a copy of the Roadworthiness Motorcycling Fact Sheet as published by the DPTI (formerly DTEI)
  • World Health Organization - Global status report on road safety 2013 (~3.6Mb)
    The link above contains just the 5 pages of the 338 page report specific to motorcycling.
    The Global status report on road safety 2013 presents information on road safety from 182 countries, accounting for almost 99% of the world's population. The report indicates that worldwide the total number of road traffic deaths remains unacceptably high at 1.24 million per year. Only 28 countries, covering 7% of the world's population, have comprehensive road safety laws on five key risk factors: drinking and driving, speeding, and failing to use motorcycle helmets, seat-belts, and child restraints.
    Here is a link to the full report (16Mb download) with the main focus on motorcycles starting on page 18 (page 30 of the pdf). Also in the country by country data, Australia is on page 61 (page 73 of pdf).
  • Road Rules Refresher
    The new road rules refresher pack includes a pocket guide, online videos, legislation and the latest changes, and an online quiz to help you check your understanding of current road rules, including giving way, roundabouts, merging, u-turns and overtaking.
    South Australia's Road Safety Strategy - Towards Zero Together places a shared responsibility on everyone to make our roads safer, because a simple misunderstanding about our road rules can have serious and lasting consequences.
  • Motorcycling Improves Brain Function
    Here is an article about how motorcycling can help improve your brain function. The article discusses how riding a motorcycle regularly can activate segments of the brain and achieve higher levels of concentration.
  • Coast FM 88.7 Adelaide
    Adelaide's Coast FM 88.7 is a community radio station operated by volunteers. Coast FM is licensed to serve the Southern and South-Western community in the Adelaide metropolitan area. The station operates 24 hours per day, with live presenters providing personal contact with listeners. Tune in on Wednesdays at 7pm to hear Motochat, a 1 hour presentation of current motorcycling news and discussion. The broadcast can be heard on your analog or digital wireless, or preferably streamed online.
  • Regarding Helmets - The NSW Roads & Traffic Authority website has information on safer motorcycle helmets. This is available as a PDF file on helmet safety ratings.
    VicRoads has the following page on Motorcyclist safety page.
  • Beven Youngs Automotove, Motorcycle, Books and Software website.
  • Trip Buzz (USA website) have a webpage on The Ultimate Guide to Motorcycle Safety and includes tips on road safety for motorcycles.
  • The Ride website.
  • Here is an article on the top 4 distractions to avoid while driving.
  • Here is a free blood alcohol calculator produced by SR22 Insurance.
  • HardPackedADV is a youtube site by Martin Winters. Here you will find video clips of the Toy Run and other interesting motorcycling stuff.
  Motorcycle Riders Associations:
  Motorcycling Clubs & Organisations:
  Preferred Suppliers:
  Bureau of Meteorology

The bureau of meteorology have a wealth of weather information.
Here are some links to specific areas of their web site.

South Australian Forecast Links page
Adelaide Forecast
SA Forecast Area Map
SA Radar Viewer

Adelaide Observations
All SA Observations

  Other weather links

Weather Zone
Just Weather
  Services of Interest:
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