MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Tailem Bend Ferry full of bikes
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Welcome to SAMRATS
  Welcome to SAMRATS (South Australian Motorcycle Riders' Association Touring Squad) - the social arm of the MRA. We aim to get motorcyclists of all ages, bike styles and experience levels together for safe, organised rides and to meet fellow-minded riders.

All MRA members are entitled to SAMRATS membership regardless of the machine they ride.

We welcome riders of all skill levels, ages and all bikes. Our rides have been developed around social riding and they are based on safe group riding. We have developed these rides over the last few years and are always looking for feedback from everyone who attends.

Watch our ride/event calendar as we are looking at overnight runs and weekend getaways. If you want info regarding a ride, or you think you know the best road in Australia, contact us through the Ride Captain.

Other SAMRATS pages include the upcoming rides and ride reports which are also available on the menu.

If you would like to subscribe to the SAMRATS Email list, please enter your name and email address into the Subscription Form.
  It is with deep sadness that on Sunday 27th August we lost one of our fellow SAMRATS members. Ride captain Jim has been leading rides for over 7 years with the SAMRATS, and many years before that with other clubs and groups. Many have enjoyed Jim's rides. Our thoughts are with his family and close friends. RIP, you will be missed.

Here is a eulogy written by Ken King, SAMRATS Coordinator.
SAMRATS Ride Briefing
  Ever wanted to know what happens on a SAMRATS ride, click the image below to access a video of the SAMRATS Ride Briefing on the 29 July 2012 for a ride they took to Sedan.

Samrats ride 8 June 2012
Click image to see video

SAMRATS Photo Gallery
  Here are a couple pictures from the SAMRATS photo gallery.

samrats ride 8 June 2012 samrats ride 8 June 2012 5 ferries ride 11 Nov 2012

SAMRATS Group Riding Guidelines
  Here is a document outlining the SAMRATS Group Riding Guidelines published by Ken King.

SAMRATS Warning and Disclaimer
  Persons participating in rides and/or events organized by The MRA are reminded that motorcycling is a high risk activity and that accidents can and do happen. The organisation of this event was conducted as a free public service by the MRA. All participating riders of this event are expected to be licensed and to ride at their own risk and insurance policies. All machines must be registered and roadworthy. All road rules are to be adhered to and any form of unruly behaviour will not be accepted.

Copyright © 2025 MRASA. All rights reserved. ABN 13 149 345 129. Inc Assoc A8678
Company Logos & photos are copyright to their respective owners