MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
4bs banner image
About the 4Bs
  The MRASA has its own Bent and Buckled Bikers Brigade, otherwise known as the 4Bs. It is a permanent sub-committee and supports hospitalised motorcyclists and their families.

Set up in February 1982, 4Bs offered support to injured riders in all major Adelaide hospitals and at their homes if desired, operated a motorcycle recovery service and donated equipment to local hospitals. Their outreach program included visiting riders in a number of regional and country hospitals across the state.

Today the 4Bs volunteers are still visiting riders in the Royal Adelaide Hospital and the Flinders Hospital.

The 4Bs also collect data on motorcycle accidents. Some riders are willing and able to talk about how they became hospitalised and this assists our data collection. There is a strong need for this detailed information. The type of motorcycle, age and style of helmet, riding experience and level of training, road conditions and time of day are just some of the questions whose answers can assist with keeping all riders safe.

If you have a friend whom you think would like our support, please contact the 4Bs Coordinator.
Contact details are available on the Contacts page.
4Bs Update - November 2024
  The 4Bs continues to perform its primary task of visiting motorcycle accident victims in Adelaide's main hospitals; we are a small group, so this means the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Flinders Medical Centre. Within our areas of concern, mainly orthopedics, we are well known and welcome having worked there since the 1980's.

Greg visits the RAH and FMC and Jo and Andrew visit the RAH. We listen to patients to find out what happened to them, and we gain an insight into what is happening on our roads.

Recently we financed the purchase of three wheelchairs; one for the FMC and two for the RAH, including a bariatric wheelchair. The funds provided from the 4Bs were raised from Ridden-on runs, and also from a generous donation from an MRA member who saw the value of our work. Of course, we have also had financial support from the MRASA Committee.

We meet once a month at the Royal Oak Hotel where we are joined and assisted by Phil and Angela. The hotel staff are very friendly, obliging and supportive.
4Bs Update - July 2017
  The 4Bs continue their work as the hospital system undergoes changes. The move to the new RAH will present a new environment and a change in the rules. DVD's and players are no longer welcome for patients to use, as a new regime of digital entertainment is rolled out. The 4Bs will be collecting the extensive library and donating them to other worthy recipients. Stay tuned as the next few months unfold. The 4Bs are working with the new RAH to find new ways to assist motorcycling patients.

Recently a patient received a visit from a 4Bs volunteer, and was very pleased to be able to speak with an understanding rider about his situation. This brings comfort and relief for patients who can on occasion be way out of their comfort zone and far from family and friends. The 4Bs were overwhelmed at the response of one particular patient, who went above and beyond.

4bs visit response
Horizontal Form for Injured Motorcyclists
  The MRASA is one of a few Australian motorcycling bodies doing long term motorcycle accident data collection. The Police and other Government agencies may keep records and statistics but these deal only with on-road accidents and focus on fatalities. No records show the details of the bike or anecdotal rider experience. We consider the recording and analysis of all motorcycle accidents, regardless of how or where they occur, important to motorcycle rider safety.

The information we gather from this Information Sheet (Horizontal Form) will help to identify 'Black Spots' on our roads and trends in the type of accidents that occur. We therefore ask you to consider downloading and completing the horizontal form. There are details on the form for where to send the form upon completion. The MRASA respects the privacy of individuals and we do not collect names and addresses on our information sheet. We will keep any potentially identifying information confidential except where otherwise required by law.
4Bs Meetings
  The 4Bs meet on the first Wednesday of each month, excluding January, at the Prince Albert Hotel, 254 Wright St Adelaide. MRASA members and interested riders are welcome to sit in on a meeting. Come for dinner from 6pm with the meeting starting at 7pm.
22 September 2014 - Wheelchairs for the Royal Adelaide Hospital
  The 4Bs' have handed over 4 wheelchairs to the Royal Adelaide Hospital. These chairs are intended for social, not medical use, of the long term patients in the orthopaedics ward. These will enable patients to use a wheelchair outside the hospital to meet family and friends, go to the park, a restaurant, etc.
  2014 Handover of Wheel Chairs for RAH
Pictured at the handover in the S3 ward of the North Wing are some of the current members of the 4Bs'. Joanne and Andrew King, Greg Janzow, Liv Anderson, Kate Rhodes and Robyn Clissold. Thanks to Equip4Living for the discounted price
May 2013 - DVDs for Hampstead Centre
  2013 Handover of DVDs for Hampstead Centre
The 4Bs' have started the DVD Library in the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre with a handover on Friday 3rd May 2013.
Pictured (left to right) - Liv Anderson, Kathy Benger (front), Phil McClelland (back),
Kate Nicholls, Koruna Schmitt-Munn (Art & Music Coordinator), Greg Janzow.
May 2012 - DVDs for the RAH
  2012 Handover of DVDs for the RAH       2012 Handover of DVDs for the RAH
Handover of DVD's and players to the RAH on 15 May 2012.
Right Photo, back row (left to right) - Greg Janzow, Phil McClelland, Andrew King
Front row - Tricia (Nurse), Joanne King, David (Nurse)
  The three hundred movies collected from the riding and businesses communities will be added to the DVD Library we established in the RAH Orthopaedic wards. The library is managed by the nursing staff and offered at their discretion to any patient who faces a lengthy stay in the ward. The DVD library, including the DVD players, can be used free of charge. Demand for the library is increasing after the changeover of TV contracts in the hospital resulted in the free to air programs now being added to the pay to view channels. To watch these movies, the 4Bs' purchased six DVD players with the profits from a Ridden-On Ride and a seventh player was donated.

The biggest thank you goes to Andersons Solicitors for their continuing support of the 4Bs'. Andersons have got behind the DVD library and printed the flyer that got the ball rolling, pushed it with the business community and then collected the donations. Many thanks to everyone who have donated, and the amazing work by Robyn from Andersons Solicitors.
Jan 2009 - DVDs for the RAH
  DVDs for the RAH
The 4Bs have been donating again, this time at the RAH.
  Around January 2009 the 4Bs donated 4 personal DVD players and about 50 DVDs. We reviewed them in Nov 2010 and were really pleased to find them all available. They were showing signs of regular use and in drastic need of upgrading.

The DVDs have formed a library used by long-stay patients; unfortunately there are motorcyclists among them. A broken pelvis will see a rider flat on his back for 6 to 10 weeks.

Unlike the original 4 personal DVD players, the 6 DVD players in this donation will plug directly into the television installed beside every bed and play on AV. The patient does not have to pay to watch the DVDs.

This will bring the number of DVDs donated to the library to over 120.

Greg Janzow, Joanne and Andrew King and I represented the 4Bs and Dave Russell, the Relief Clinical Nurse Consultant for Ward R3 of the Royal Adelaide Hospital, laid on a fabulous reception. There were lots of the medical staff present, along with the Director of Nursing and the Volunteer Coordinator.

The RAH staff decide where the DVDs go. Some of the kids titles will probably be forwarded to another department or even the Womens and Children's Hospital. We expect the majority of these DVDs will be allocated to the Orthopaedics wards.

If you know someone who has spent some time in a hospital and can relate to the need for something to help the time to pass, let them know they can help someone in there now by donating a couple of DVDs for the 4Bs to pass on. Another idea is to have your work or social group donate a DVD you would like to watch to the 4Bs. Why not set a goal of 6 DVDs for this year.

Can you help our DVD Library? More info available here.
2009 Ridden-On Ride Funds at Work
  laptop computer for Hampstead Centre
4Bs members with Hampstead Rehabilitation staff.
From left, Greg Janzow (4Bs), Paul Philcox (Clinical Nurse), Dr Adrian Windsor (Hampstead),
Joanne King (4Bs seated), Phil McClelland (4Bs), Andrew King (4Bs) Robyn Clissold (4Bs).
  The Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre was asked to suggest the best way we could use the $1017.00 donated from the 2009 Ridden On Ride.

The Centre asked for a laptop computer, loaded with Games and DVDs for use by the patients. This great laptop will help pass the time and also assist with patient therapies.
  The MRASA 4Bs are continuously collecting DVD's and players, all donations are gratefully received. Note that it is a requirement that personal DVD players can work from 240 volts, and need to have a screen size of 9 or 10 inches to be comfortable to use in a hospital bed. More info available here.

The MRASA would like to acknowledge and thank the MG Car Club of South Australia in their efforts to help collect DVD's and raise awareness for our cause.
Community Support
  The MRASA 4Bs are appreciative of the support offered by the business community.

Andersons Solicitors: Printing of 4Bs Best Wishes cards and other stationary.
Dick Smiths: Discounts on the DVD Players donated to the RAH DVD Library.
Prince Albert Hotel: A welcome place to hold our meetings.
BTP: Assistance with the laptop donated to Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre.
  4Bs Logo
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