MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Second Valley
Ridden-On Ride
  The term 'ridden-on' is used to describe a rider who has died or passed on, usually while riding their motorcycle. In the past year many of us have been touched by the passing of those special to us.

On February 18, 2007, the MRA held it's inaugural Ridden-On Ride to remember our lost friends, family and loved ones. This has become an annual event and is popular with riders from all areas. Here is a video of the bikes at Second Valley on April 2022.
        Ridden-On Ride 2007 - Photo courtesy of the Advertiser
Ride Details for 13 April 2025
  Due to the unanimous support and encouragement of this event since 2007, we will hold this years event on Sunday 13th April 2025. The ride departs at 10am sharp from Victoria Hotel, O'Halloran Hill. Beginning in 2014, we changed the date to April to hopefully avoid hot weather and improve rider comfort.

For those unable to ride and wish to participate, cars are more than welcome to follow the riders. This will also allow those who do not ride to join in the event. Please advise an organiser on the day if you have a car. Please tell your friends and mark it in your dairies.

The Ridden-On Ride will mob up at the Victoria Hotel Car Park, Main South Road, O'Halloran Hill from 8.30am for a 10.00am ride off. Please check the ride details available from the samrats upcoming rides page for the most current information. Tea & Coffee available at the Hotel from 8.30am. Ridden On Ride Badges will be available at $10.00 each. Please be ready to move your machine at exactly 10.00am so as to ride in a group as we exit from the car park. We gather at this location to remember Wendy Van Gasteren and TJ Maxwell who collided at O'Halloran Hill. Their demise sent ripples through the riding community and many riders demanded we remember them.

A representative from the MRASA will be reading out the names of ridden-on riders (which is not the list of people attending the ride). If you want a name added to the list, send their name in an Email to Cathy secretary @ (remove the spaces around @) or text their name to 0408 853 380.

Similar events are being held in different locations, feel free to contact your local group to see how you can be involved. Sometime in September the Mid-North register hope to have their memorial run, contact Greg - 0409 842 434. A run is being planned in the Northern Territory later in the year, more details will be published closer to the event.

Bikes parked under the trees at Second Valley
  The group will ride to Second Valley and park under the trees near the caravan park. Take care when parking under the trees at Second Valley, the ground can be slippery from the fallout from the trees. There is a short walk for those wishing reflect by the seaside, to say a prayer and remember those who are precious to us all, including those who have ridden-on. This is a lovely location to remember those who are no longer with us.
  Many will then ride the Delamere Road to Victor Harbor where we hope riders will share memories and remember better times with other riders. Proceeds - The MRASA donated the proceeds of the 2016 event to the Royal Flying Doctor Service, which was rounded up to $1000. In 2017 the MRASA donated $1500 to the RFDS, and did so again in 2018. In 2019 the proceeds were be donated to the 4Bs. In 2024 the proceeds will be donated to the 4Bs.

Donation to RFDS 21 August 2018
  Badge Policy - Note that you do not have to ride in the event to buy a badge. There are a limited amount of badges available, so make sure you arrive in time to secure yours.
Ridden-on Ride Links
  2020 Photo Gallery
2019 Photo Gallery
2014 Photo Gallery
2012 Photo Gallery
2011 Photo Gallery
2010 Photo Gallery
2009 Photo Gallery
2009 Ride Report
2008 Photo Gallery
2007 Photo Gallery
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