MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Bike at Toy Run
Anti-skid Road Plates
  Your Responsibility
  If you see a dangerous road plate, especially without an anti-skid coating please report it immediately by phoning 1800 018 313. This number is on the back of your MRA membership card. You may save someone's life.
  Gorge Road 25 April 2015
25 April 2015 - Gorge Rd, Campbelltown (between Lower Northeast Road and Newton Road)

  DPTI Specification
  The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) has a Specification for Works on Roads (R07) which covers road excavation and inti-skid treatment on steel plates used by contractors and service authorities to enable traffic to cross an excavation. All work carried out by organisations on DPTI roads must adhere to the specification that the steel plate is treated with an approved anti-skid compound in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

DPTI has a webpage outlining requirements for roadworks and general construction, including drainage, earthworks, pavements, lighting, guardrail, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and sundry works. Link to Division R Roadworks.

Part R07 pertains to the Trench Excavation and Backfill. This is a word document available from the above link. Page 2 outlines the use of steel plates covering an excavation. Here is Section 4 in its entirety.
  4. Use of Steel Plates

If steel plates are used to enable traffic to cross an excavation, the Contractor must ensure that:

(a) the surface of the plate does not create a skidding hazard to motorists;
(b) a speed restriction of 60km/h or less is imposed on the section of road where a steel plate is situated;
(c) there is a smooth transition for traffic from the road surface onto the steel plate by the use of a temporary ramp;
(d) the steel plate is treated with an approved anti-skid compound in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (the use of checker plate or plain steel alone is insufficient); and
(e) the steel plate is restrained, pinned or anchored to reduce impact noises caused by motorists.

The anti-skid compounds listed in the DPTI Approved Products List, available from: are approved for use on steel plates. The Contractor may submit a request for the approval of additional anti-skid products.

The anti-skid compound must be maintained in good order. The skid resistance must exceed 0.5 GN when tested in accordance with DPTI Test Procedure: TP344 "Determination of Skid Resistance with the GripTester", available from:

  Motorcycle Reference Group Meeting - April 2015
  MRA Road Safety Officer Mr Ebi Lux raised the subject of steel plates at the April MRG meeting and a follow up status was reported in the July Meeting. It was reported that:

"Parties undertaking work on South Australian roads are required to comply with the SA Standards for Workzone Traffic Management, the Code of Practice and Work Health & Safety Legislation.

Road users are encouraged to report specific concerns regarding steel plate usage to DPTI's Traffic Management Centre on 1800 018 313 at the time or on the day of the roadworks occurring. These roadworks may not be the direct resonsibility of the department; however any concerns will be followed up with the relevant traffic management company or authority undertaking the works. Members of the public may also provide information or comment on general concerns via email to and these are followed up by the department."

  Letter from the Road Safety Minister - January 2013
  In January 2013 the MRASA received a letter from the Road Safety Minister Jennifer Rankine on the subject of steel plates covering roadworks. The minister outlined amendments to the Specification for the Excavation and Reinstatement of Existing Road Pavements. If you are interested, please read the letter.

The minister explained that steel plates require an approved anti-skid coating to contribute to safer roads for motorcyclists. The MRA feel this requirement is still being overlooked and we need to report these occurrences to the authorities to get them fixed and improve road safety.
  Additional Information
  Here is the RTA QA Specification 3368 for skid resistant friction coating for temporary steel road plates. RTA QA Spec3368.

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