MRASA The Motorcycle Riders' Association of South Australia
Bike at Toy Run
Australian Road Rule 299 - Television receivers and visual display units in motor vehicles
  South Australian Road Rule 299 outlines the use of VDU devices (including GPS) on motor vehicles. Section 2(b) is specific to motorcycles. The information below is also detailed in a press release by the MRASA.

At a meeting with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure on the 25th October 2012, the MRASA requested the South Australian Road Rule 299 be amended to harmonise with the rest of Australia on. We were informed on 12th November 2012 it would part of the next set of amendments.

The amendment to Road Rule 299 came into effect on 2nd March 2014, please refer to the following links.
My Licence website - Road Rule Amendments.
SA Government Gazette - February 2014 - this is a little hard to find, the entry is on page 108 of the PDF document, titled 'Variation of rule 299'.

This means you can now ride with a GPS or a visual digital unit incorporating a speedo, tacho or gear indicator in South Australia and be legal. It allows motorcycle riders to use mobile phones as a GPS in the same way as drivers of motor vehicles, provided that it is securely mounted and the rider does not touch or manipulate the device.

South Australian Road Rules - Reg 299

You can view the current version of Rule 299 here. Rule 299 (2) (ab) is the amended section.

Multiple VDU's on a motorcycle

GPS on a motorcycle

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